19 August 2010

Transtec 5012

I just got a Transtec 5012 for free. After installing a server for a customer he ask if I would like to have his Transtec 5012 including 12 disks of 250gb. And I said yes.

The Transtec 5012 is a 5 year old 12 disk pata array that needs to be connected to a scsi control of a computer. I also got the scsi controller (adaptec 29160). Did a quick test and only 1 drive is failing. So this weekend I will configure it using RAID 5.

16 August 2010

Mini Mac

Already for a few weeks now the mini mac is getting slow. After some troubleshooting it looks like the harddisk is ready to break.

So solution a new harddisk...

Without check if any HD will do I bought a 500gb 2,5 HD to replace the current 120Gb HD.
Had some fight to open the mini mac, and forgot to take some picture, but the drive is now install.

Then reinstall mac os X because any lazy I took the first disc I found, I suspect a copy of mac os 10.6, drop it into the drive and guess what it didn't boot on it. Search internet telling a lot of buttons to push but now boot. Finally I went and took the original cd's. And then I had to remove the DVD inside it. But this was not possible mac pc's don't have a button for ejecting the cd/dvd and the keyboard button was not working after trying different things the only solution I found was to open the drive itself and take out the cd.

The rest of the install went prefect.

13 August 2010

Telenet "Free download" policies

After solving the RAID/Bitorrent problem and downloading for 2 day, yes only 2 days (I think something like 100Gb) I got a message:

Fair Use Policy bij ongelimiteerd internet van Telenet Telenet hanteert een Fair Use Policy voor haar ongelimiteerde internetabonnementen. Zo leidt Telenet het internetverkeer voor al haar klanten in goede banen en verzekert ze een optimale gebruikservaring voor iedereen.

Wat stelt Telenet vast bij uw internetgedrag? Wij stellen vast dat uw download- en/of uploadgedrag niet in lijn is met de Fair Use Policy van Telenet: uw volumeverbruik in de lopende aanrekeningsperiode is aanzienlijk meer dan wat typerend is voor uw internetabonnement.

Wat zijn de gevolgen van uw internetgedrag? Als u uw volumeverbruik niet matigt, zijn wij genoodzaakt om de snelheid van uw internetverbinding tot het einde van deze periode aan te passen.

Om deze ingreep te vermijden, kennen we aan uw abonnement tot aan het einde van deze aanrekeningsperiode nog 10 GB bijkomend volume toe.

We adviseren u om onze Tips voor Fair Use door te nemen, zodat u de nodige maatregelen kunt treffen om uw volumeverbruik aan te passen.

Telenet Internet

I even can't see how much I have used, then only thing you have is a telenet meter showing your use compare to the other users.

So the mail is saying that I get 10 gb extra volume, so I really think the free download is also fix to a number, you just don't know what that number is and howm uch you have used....

11 August 2010

RAID troubles

After a lot of tries and a few raid cards tested, I finally got a working RAID system in my home server. Running windows vista, something I have to change soon. Think about Linux or window server 2008.

After 2 month running troubles started. When Bittorrent is running after 30 min the speed went to 10k our something like that and the raid disk can't be accessed anymore. When I request the machine to do a restart it was blocking and I had to manually stop and start the server.

Investigation on the problem reveals a message from the RAID system in the event viewer. But I could not find any info on internet about it:

The device, \Device\Scsi\2310_001, did not respond within the timeout period.

A firmware update of the RAID card (highpoint 2310 with four disk of 1T in RAID 5) didn't solve the problem.
After checking it further I see in the log of bittorrent a message about 100% overload. Again on internet not a lot of useful information, a few tips to avoid the problem but not really solving it like:

1. Increase cash because the message means that the cash is full an can't be write to the hard drive, but making the cash bigger is only delaying the problem.
2. Check the mode of the disk drives that it isn't set to PIO
3. And a few others

Nothing that work then I check what the disk cash option where of bittorrent and you have options like "don't use windows disk cash", after un-checking all these option it is WORKING again. I don't now what the cause is of this but it is working :)

I'm back

Again after a while I back.

What happened in the meanwhile. A lot I can say our second baby has arrived. So not a lot of sleep. :)

I have plans to move the blog to another server. when I have more info I will post something.