17 April 2007

SQL Server 2005 Dev

I'm trying to install/Upgrade SQL 2005 Express to dev version. And as always with ms grrrrr.
It is taking forever giving parameter to the setup, because the setup is asking for it, isn't working.

Grrr, I hope I will be able to do some work to day.

At the bright side my computer heating problem is solve. Happy about that :)

16 April 2007


Alweer even geleden.
Er zijn een aantal nieuwe foto van den kleine online.
Voor de rest niet veel gedaan dit weekend buiten een bbq de eerste van dit jaar dus wel het vermelden waard en wij hebben een plan gemaakt voor de tuin later meer hierover hopelijk met wat tekeningen en fotos.

04 April 2007



Here is a url where you can see some picture of the baby earliest days


03 April 2007

Transfer blog

Finally finished transferring my big blog ☺. From MySpace (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendID=117876719) to here.

Later to do I will add a link to my web image thing of google.


Hey I'm back

I'm a lot of time has past. But a lot has happend to. I'm a father now?
That's also one of the reason why I didn't had the time to write a lot.

I hope to write more in the coming weeks.
Will post some picture in the next day or so.

see you